Department of Electrical Engineering

Electronic Systems

Our goal is to create constructive design trajectories for electronic systems that lead to high-quality, cost-effective systems with predictable properties (functionality, timing, reliability, power dissipation, cost).

Designing better ways to design better electronics

Electronic systems are everywhere. They closely interact with the physical systems they are embedded in, with human users, and with other systems connected in networks. Electronic systems are how we are going to create a smart society ā€“ if we can solve the societal challenges of reliability, miniaturization and reduction of power dissipation. The Electronic Systems (ES) research group aims to provide a scientific basis for design trajectories for electronic systems, from function to realization, and to do so in collaboration with industry.

Our subprograms

The ES research program targets the design of next generations of electronic systems. It is organized in three subprograms that cover the engineering, system and circuit perspectives. This allows an integral approach to the design of electronic systems.

Our Labs


Highlighted projects

Research project

Alarm-Limiting AlgoRithm-based Monitoring

Alarm aims to fuse, process and analyze the unobtrusive vitals and video monitoring of babies to reduce false alarms, monitor motion and…

Research project

AquaConnect, key technologies for safeguarding regional water provision in fresh water stressed deltas

A key technology project in the research field of water in the circular economy.

Research project

Arrowhead Tools

Towards integrated tool sets for model-driven design of cyber-physical systems

Research Project


The Brainwave project has received funding from NWO-TTW with the grant number 14714.

Research project


We develop real-time hardware & software architecture for (flying, driving) drones such that different modules (applications) can be…

Research project

Deep Learning as a Service (DLaaS)

Tooling to improve the usability and efficiency of deep learning for third parties.Several demonstrators will show how to exploit DL as a…

Research project

Efficient Deep Learning Platforms (eDLP)

HW-SW design for efficient processing of DNNs on low energy embedded systems

Research Project

Efficient Deep Learning (EDL)

The EDL program has received funding from NWO-TTW with the grant number P16-25.

Research project

FORSEE: Video monitoring for early signaling of adverse events

This project explores continuous video monitoring of the cardiorespiratory status of a patient as an innovative unobtrusive method to reduce…

Research Project


The oCPS-ITN project has received funding from the European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation under grant agreement no 674875.

Research Project


The REXUS/BEXUS programme allows students from universities and higher education colleges across Europe to carry out scientific and technological experiments on research rockets and balloons.

Research project

Scheduling Adaptive Modular Flexible Manufacturing Systems (SAM-FMS)

Research project


The overarching goal of the TRANSACT project is to develop a universal, distributed solution architecture for the transformation of…

Research highlight: Machine Learning

Machine learning and in particular deep learning (DL) has dramatically improved the state-of-the-art in object detection, speech recognition, robotics, and many other domains. Whether it is superhuman performance in object recognition or beating human players in Go, the astonishing success of deep learning is achieved by deep neural networks trained with huge amounts of training examples and massive computing resources. Although already applied successfully in academic use-cases and several consumer products (e.g. machine translation), these data and computing requirements pose challenges for further market penetration. Efficient Deep Learning (EDL) is an important focus point of our Smart Electronic Systems and Digital Nanoelectronics subprograms.

Meet some of our Researchers


All scientific as well as non-scientific vacancies are centrally cataloged by the Electrical Engineering department and can be found here.

We are always looking for exceptional candidates interested in pursuing a PhD. So if you have (almost completed) a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or a related area, and if you have expertise and interest in one or more relevant areas, e.g., digital circuits, VLSI, design automation, multiprocessor systems-on-chip, models of computation, compiler technology, embedded systems, IoT, or CPS, you are invited to apply.



Check out all our courses

All Bachelor Final projects and Master projects offered by the Electrical Engineering department can be found at the Bachelor Final Project Marketplace and Master Project Marketplace. You can login to this website using your TU/e account.
