

As a wholly owned TU/e subsidiary, located in the heart of the campus, Euflex Technificent has a wide-ranging network of talented students, experienced professionals, startups and well-established companies. Inside the TU/e as well as far beyond.

Our skills and know-how are aimed at making that unique, perfect match between people and business. Both professionally and personally, temporarily or for a long term. Euflex Technificent bridges the gap between technical TU/e talent and the labor market in three different ways; hire TU/e students via student jobs, get in touch with TU/e alumni through Reverse Matching or promote your business with our Employer Branding partnerships.

Are you an employer who is looking for a motivated student for a part-time job? Are you a (future) professional and open to a (new) challenge at one of the frontrunners in your area of expertise? Or are you looking for a qualified technical professional who can boost your company’s drive for innovation?
Contact us!