During this bachelor’s program, you will naturally acquire a great deal of subject-specific knowledge. However, we also offer plenty of opportunities to apply that knowledge and to develop professional skills. For example, you can attend and participate in meetings, presentations and collaborations. The study program includes lectures in which theory is explained and you practice that theory during guided self-study. You then apply this knowledge in Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) projects.
By choosing electives, you can shape your three-year program to your wishes. Broaden your knowledge by following courses or projects from other TU/e bachelor’s programs or deepen your knowledge within the field by choosing courses and projects from the Industrial Engineering program. The third year is the conclusion of the bachelor’s program and simultaneously prepares you for a place in the job market or a suitable master’s program.
A bachelor’s program at TU/e lasts three years. The study program includes several learning activities:
- Core courses – you follow courses on Industrial Engineering or that relate to the Industrial Engineering area of expertise.
- An Impact of Technology learning trajectory (ITEC) – you learn what effects technology can have on society.
- Electives – you design your study program according to your personal preferences by choosing courses that allow you to go deeper or broader.
- Challenge-Based Learning – you apply your knowledge in real projects.
- External learning activities – you do internships, take courses at other Dutch or alliance universities and/or participate in projects at TU/e Innovation Space.
First year
The first year introduces you to the fields that shape Industrial Engineering. You develop many skills: you follow technical courses (mathematics, statistics, data engineering) combined with core subjects that form the foundation of the Industrial Engineering program and an ITEC course on ethics. The core courses cover the main areas of the Industrial Engineering field:
- Occupational and organizational psychology
- Operational management
- Product innovation
- Information systems
Second year
In the second year, you will deepen your knowledge of the four core areas of Industrial Engineering mentioned above. In addition, you will learn to apply your knowledge and develop professional skills in two engineering courses and a multidisciplinary Challenge-Based Learning project. In the second year, you will also take three elective courses with which you will begin the individualization of your study program.
Third year
In the third year, you strengthen your vision and identity and demonstrate your competencies in the bachelor’s final project.
You spend half of the third year on electives. In the other half, you take the final core courses and ITEC courses. In addition, you do your bachelor’s final project. In this individual project, you formulate and answer a clear research question, demonstrating your ability to analyze and research a business case that is relevant to an industrial engineer. You collect and analyze data, define possible causes and explanations of the problem and make recommendations for improvement. You conduct your research at or in collaboration with a company or external organization. You present the results in a presentation and a report.
Want to know more about the curriculum of the bachelor’s program in Industrial Engineering or the bachelor’s final project? Check out the education guide. Please note that the education guide is an important source of information for TU/e students containing detailed and practical information which is important during the program.
Teaching formats
The study program includes a wide range of topics covered in a variety of teaching formats.
- Lectures: a teacher explains the theory of a subject.
- Tutorials: you work on assignments under the guidance of a teacher or tutor; this is usually for mathematics subjects.
- Group projects: you work in groups of fellow students on assignments typical of Industrial Engineering.
- Challenge-Based Learning: you apply theory in real-life projects.
- Business-oriented: TU/e is located in the Brainport region. We therefore make a great deal of use of the knowledge available there, so you can regularly enjoy lunch lectures, guest lectures, assignments with real-life cases and many examples from industry.
From the first year, lectures alternate with tutorials, group work and assignments. This means that, in addition to studying the basic theoretical subjects, you work directly with your fellow students on projects. One day, you might be researching procurement; the next, you may be studying the process from the perspective of marketing or logistics.
In the first year, you will receive support from a student mentor to help you get off to a smooth start. Experienced TU/e coaches will give you personal advice about your studies. This starts the moment you enroll; you and your coach then look at the program that suits you best and at how you can best supplement this with electives. In this way, you can create your own program – one that suits your interests and ambitions!