
The foundation of the Sustainable Innovation program is the same for every student. In addition, you choose a specialization (track) to delve deeper into. You make your choice halfway through the first year. Each specialization consists of four technical courses that will provide you with the foundation and depth in that field.

We make every effort to help you choose a track. For example, you can find useful information on Canvas (TU/e’s online learning management environment) and in the education guide, including all relevant curricula, course descriptions and videos with advice from teachers and students. In addition, you will get help from your coach and the academic advisor. You can also use the PlanApp. In most cases, it is possible to switch tracks later on if you so wish.

Besides the specialization, you will also make choices regarding the filling of your free elective space from the second year onward. Below, we make a few suggestions that fit the track in question. You can also choose to broaden your knowledge by choosing from other TU/e programs. Difficult to choose? Feel free to ask your questions to your coach or academic advisor. We are happy to help you make your choices!

Below, the 2 specializations are further explained.

Energy specialization

This specialization (track) gives you the knowledge to understand the basic principles of processes that regulate the generation and transportation of energy. It covers the laws that regulate flows as well as their utility in the transport of energy, mass and momentum. Other relevant topics include decentralized renewable energy and smart power grids, energy shortages and innovation in developing countries, and energy cooperation.




Urban Planning & Mobility specialization

In this unique specialization, you will deal with issues of urban planning, logistics and mobility. You will study spatial planning and mobility as core aspects of sustainability in relation to smart (urban) mobility, sustainable mobility, smart energy networks and (trans)national resource networks. These themes are on the research agenda of the Technology, Innovation & Society (TIS) research group and include case studies and empirical research of the other SI courses. The courses in this track are largely taught by researchers from the TIS group.



