Proof of financial means

For the application of your residence permit you need to prove to the IND (Dutch Immigration and Naturalization Service) that you have sufficient financial means to fund your studies and to live in the Netherlands during your studies. This standard amount is € 11.500 per year and is excluding tuition fees and fees for the application procedure.

In order to demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means, you should transfer the total amount to the TU/e bank account according to the instructions for payment you find below (keep into account that some banks will deduct a transfer fee!).

If you receive a full-cost scholarship from your home country or an international scholarship fund (not ALSP/HS) which covers both the tuition fee AND living costs, you will not need to transfer € 11.500 to prove your financial means. Uploading proof of your scholarship in the confirmation statement will be sufficient.
The scholarship letter should be in English and should contain the following details:

  • amount of the scholarship
  • your full name
  • name of the scholarship
  • for which period you are receiving the scholarship (day-month-year until day-month-year)

If you receive a scholarship but the amount is not enough to cover both the tuition fee and living costs, you can transfer the remaining money to the TU/e bank account.
For example: you will receive a scholarship of € 20.000 per year. The guarantee fee (for a Master student) is € 18.000. The remaining € 1500 can be used to partially cover the proof of financial means. As a result, you will need to transfer €10.000 instead of € 11.500.

The full amount will be returned to you after you have enrolled at TU/e and after you have opened your Dutch bank account. Please keep in mind that it will take a few weeks before you can dispose of this money because the procedure for opening a Dutch bank account will take a few weeks.

TU/e will only start the visa and/or residence permit application when the full amount of the guarantee fee and the proof of financial means has been received. We will not start the procedure if you only transfer the visa and/or residence permit fee. 

How to pay the proof of financial means

instructions for payment

To transfer the money from a foreign bank account you need to fill in the following on the international bank transfer form at the bank office in your home country:

  • bank account number TU/e: 1148.70.438
  • Bank name: Rabobank
  • beneficiary/remmittee: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • IBAN code: NL66 RABO 0114 8704 38
  • city: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • Address: Postbus 301 – 5600 AH Eindhoven The Netherlands
  • Mention your family name, initials, date of birth and ‘financial means’ 

When you are arranging the fee payment please ensure that your bank understands that any costs involved in this money transfer is NOT to be charged to the TU/e and that YOU will bear all transfer costs. In other words, you must pay any transfer charges separately. If the fee payment is not paid in full, you will be asked to pay the missing amount before you are permitted to enroll at TU/e. 
It is NOT possible to pay the proof of financial means in cash, by credit card, by bankers draft or by cheque. It is also not possible to pay the guarantee fee or proof of financial menas in installments.