Application procedure

Application period and deadlines

Applications are formally accepted starting February 1, 2023. However, we will of course also reply to applications prior to this date. The first selection round will start April / May 2023, but you are welcome to apply till belowmentioned deadlines. Final decisions are made not later than October 1, 2023 (for Dutch nationals not later than October 23). An interview (at our location or via Skype) is part of the second selection round, which is planned in principle for the period June - October. 


  • For Dutch nationals: October 15, 2023
  • For EU nationals: September 30, 2023
  • For non-EU nationals: August 15, 2023

Early application is strongly recommended as the number of positions is limited to 20 and positions may be filled before the deadline.

How to apply?

To apply for a traineeship, please send us at least the following information and documents to support your application:

  • A letter of motivation, including a concise statement on why you think we should provide this opportunity to you.
  • An extended curriculum vitae.
  • Copies of relevant B.Sc. diplomas and transcripts.
  • A copy of your B.Sc. thesis, if available in English.
  • Copies of relevant M.Sc. diplomas and transcripts.
  • A copy (of a recent draft version) of your M.Sc. thesis in English. In case the thesis is not available in English, please provide a summary of at least 10 pages in English.
  • If possible, a (link to the) syllabus of your B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies.
  • Copies of scores of English proficiency tests such as Academic IELTS or TOEFL IBT. For IELTS the minimum score is 6.5, with no individual scores below 6.0. For TOEFL IBT the minimum is 90, with no individual scores below 21. You need C1 level related to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF or CEFR) and to IELTS equivalence. Or provide proof that you have passed the University of Cambridge 'Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)' or University of Cambridge 'Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)' on C1 level.
    Only applicants from the US, UK, Ireland, Australia and New-Zealand are exempted.
  • The names and contact addresses (including e-mail) of (at least) three persons whom we can contact for more information on you and on your (thesis) work. Please note that we usually prefer to contact people that have been involved with your MSc and/or BSc thesis project. However, in case applicable a previous or current employer would also be an option.

Please send us copies of all relevant documents, preferably via e-mail, to our general contact address:

Or you can use this APPLY NOW option as of February 1, 2023.

For nearly graduates

You can apply for the 2023-2025 program when your master study is still ongoing, and you expect to finalize your study successfully before October 30, 2023. Follow the instructions as above, with the following exceptions:

  • Instead of a final thesis we expect an extended description of the project or a provisional summary. Please forward any update and the full version of your thesis as soon as these become available.
  • Instead of the final transcripts we expect the transcripts of finalized semesters. Please forward the final transcripts as soon as these become available.
  • Please forward a copy of your diploma as soon as this becomes available. In case this is expected after October 30, 2023 you can send a preliminary certificate with expected graduation date.
  • Mention the expected final examination date in your cv.

In order to get a definite offer, you will need to prove that you will finalize your study successfully before the start of our program.