Job opportunities 2023

Positions 2023-2025 program

We offer a maximum of 20 traineeship positions at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology for our program 2023-2025 (starting date October 30, 2023 and end date October 29, 2025). Candidates have to apply for such a position. 

The traineeships are offered in the form of formal employment positions as a TOIO (Technologisch Ontwerper in Opleiding) as defined in the Collective Employment Agreement and UFO system of the association of Dutch academic universities (VSNU). The monthly salary for 2022 is  2.089,-- euro (before tax) plus regular university benefits. No tuition or enrollment fee applies. The university offers support for necessary visa applications and finding housing in Eindhoven depending on availability.

As a trainee you can expect a challenging, accredited, and highly valued training program, and ample opportunities (real-life and genuine challenges and problems) to further strengthen the necessary competencies for innovative design and development of software for interconnected and intelligent software systems using selected state-of-the-art existing technologies and awareness of emerging technologies in a multidisciplinary and international setting for a project-based industry(-oriented) context.

If you think you are the candidate we are looking for, than you can apply by following the instructions.