Degree structure

Eindhoven University of Technology runs a two-year Master of Applied Physics program comprising compulsory subjects, elective subjects, an off-campus internship, and a graduation project. Each year is worth 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

First year

In the first year you specialize along one of the disciplinary research themes, viz. (1) Nano, Quantum and Photonics, (2) Plasmas and Beams, or (3) Fluids, Bio and Soft Matter. Free electives give you the opportunity to further deepen or broaden your knowledge and perspective, whereas an external traineeship guarantees international and/or industrial experience.

Second year

The second year is optionally covered by an extended external traineeship to continue gaining off-campus experience. For three quartiles or a full year, a graduation project along the specialization research themes emphasizes further development of independent and high-level academic skills in a professional research environment.

Research Applied Physics

Department of Applied Physics

Advanced Nanomaterials & Devices

It is fascinating how materials properties at the nanoscale can be radically changed by means of size, crystal structure or surface states.…

Department of Applied Physics

Coherence and Quantum Technology

Our central theme is dilute matter at high phase space density. Our goal is exploiting quantum coherence. Our work is both theoretical and…

Department of Applied Physics

Elementary Processes in Gas Discharges

We study the elementary processes in gas discharges through a mix of theory, modeling and the development of diagnostics.

Department of Applied Physics

Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics

We explore the novel physics and applications emerging from the interaction of light with nanoscale matter.

Departments of Applied Physics / Biomedical Engineering

Molecular Biosensing

The MBx group develops technologies based on micro- and nanoparticles for monitoring patients and for treating diseases. Towards this goal,…

Molecular Materials and Nanosystems (M2N)

Department of Applied Physics

Physics of Nanostructures

We explore novel ways of controlling the electron spin and magnetic textures at the nanoscale for a wide range of applications.

Department of Applied Physics

Plasma & Materials Processing

Our scientific objective is to obtain atomic-level understanding of the interaction of plasmas and reactive gases with materials in the…

Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion

Department of Applied Physics

Soft Matter and Biological Physics

Enabling a sustainable, functional and resource-efficient next generation of materials by uncovering the physical mechanisms underlying the…


Transport in Permeable Media

It is our goal to understand the physics of transport and phase changes in complex permeable media, so we can better engineer materials for…

Department of Applied Physics

Fluids and Flows

The Fluids and Flows (F&F) group addresses fundamental questions in fluid dynamics in an integrated approach.