Course structure and curriculum

Structure and curriculum


The Industrial and Applied Mathematic master's program lasts two years, in which you obtain a total of 120 ECTS. The exact content of the degree depends on your specific academic trajectory and is linked to the specialization(s) you opt for. 

Professional portfolio


Core program


Individual program


Internship (optional)


Final course project



During the two years of the IAM program, you acquire broad fundamental knowledge in analysis, stochastics, and discrete mathematics.

Besides the core program, you fill out your own individual program. Generally, students discover quickly where their interests lie: designated core courses inspire them throughout their degrees. On top of this, information about the various disciplines is provided throughout the duration of the program.

Distribution studyload

Data Science as an asset

Across all areas and themes, the degree prepares you for the anticipated 'data deluge'. Several courses in our program deal with the mathematics behind data science. Students can also include data science courses from the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence master in their elective space.

The major disciplines within the program are narrowed down to three mathematical areas:

  1. The field of Computational Science and Engineering focuses on simulating and analyzing complex processes (both physical and technical).
  2. With Discrete Mathematics and Applications, students explore math in relation to digital applications, specifically regarding optimizing discrete processes for communication and security.
  3. Statistics, Probability, and Operations Research contains management planning and organizational problems, industrial statistics, and analyzing probabilistic phenomena.

The program takes part in the MasterMath program, a national collaboration involving the math departments of various Dutch universities. This allows our students to follow courses at the joint faculties across the country - a unique opportunity, as every department in the Netherlands has their own distinctive topical specialty. We encourage you to take a look!