A track within Msc Biomedical Engineering en MSc Medical Engineering

Master track Biomedical Imaging and Modelling

ECTS points
120 ECTS
Education type
Master program
2 year
Master of Science (MSc)

With the newest imaging techniques and latest developments in (mathematical) modelling, we try to gain insight in the structure, function and metabolism of living cells and tissues. Within this master’s track you can choose to focus on imaging techniques such as MRI and ultrasound, image analysis, or modelling of biomedical systems.

Biomedical Imaging and Modelling combines methods and techniques from mathematics, information science, physics, electrical engineering, and medical science to create images of, analyze and model biomedical systems.

The field of research covers a very wide range of topics, including amongst others: cardiovascular conditions, histopathology, brain imaging, crowdsourcing, systems biology, and molecular imaging.

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Pleuni Lodiers

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This program is NVAO-accredited. In the Netherlands, the NVAO assesses the internal quality assurance of universities and colleges and the quality of their programs.