Industrial applications and collaborations inspire us in our research and ensure that our research has economic and societal impact.
Science and technology have changed the way we live, communicate, work, and even spend our free time. We are surrounded by systems of varying sizes and forms that sense, communicate, and try to make sense of what happens, with, within, and around us or where they operate (e.g. in a car or at a factory). The goal of all these systems is to create a safer, healthier, more pleasant, and more productive environment and set of services.
Read moreRecent Publications
Our most recent peer reviewed publications
Response-time Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Hard Real-Time Systems Under Global Scheduling
(2023) -
Replication-Based Scheduling of Parallel Real-Time Tasks
(2023) -
IPDeN 2.0: Real-time NoC with selective flit deflection and buffering.
(2023) -
Partial-order reduction in reachability-based response-time analyses of limited-preemptive DAG tasks
Real-Time Systems (2023) -
Monitoring pollution pathways in river water by predictive path modelling using untargeted GC-MS measurements
npj Clean Water (2023)
Meet some of our Researchers
Postal address
Ali SoekhoeP.O. Box 513Department of Mathematics and Computer Science5600 MB EindhovenNetherlandsozkan.sanne@ -
Postal address
dr.h.c. Tijn GerritsenElif SchenkelTuranbaan7981BC ZandeweerNetherlandsjip99@ -
Visiting address
Teun WeverMetaforum, Floor 6Groene Loper, De Zaale5612 AZ EindhovenNetherlandsniels25@ -
Visiting address
Olivier Marchalir. Luuk AutarBoeserring4401CG EijsdenNetherlandsvandepol.thijmen@ -
General informationJason BadalBoschsteeg3351RJ Poortugaalwsinsan@