Interesting Links

Confidential Advisors for inappropriate behaviour and scientific integrity

The TU/e has several confidential advisors. They support individual reporters (staff and students) who are confronted with undesirable behaviour, irregularities or issues of scientific integrity. The confidential advisors have an independent position within the TU/e.

TU/e has appointed an Ombudsman for staff who contributes to a safe working environment and to the learning ability of the organization, by advising on the basis of reports and/or serious signals about (structural) bottlenecks in procedures and regulations.



Employee wellbeing is a comprehensive concept. There are several factors present in any work environment that can affect employee wellbeing. In addition, there are (external) personal factors that can influence a person's work performance.

TU/e offers its employees and students a number of general facilities. With these, TU/e hopes to provide a pleasant working and living environment. An environment in which you feel comfortable and at ease, with a good balance between working, learning and leisure.




On this webpage you will find a collection of initiatives that demonstrate how we keep Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) high on our agenda. In addition to rolling out relevant policies, each year we award a fund to the best initiatives. You will also find links to relevant TU/e news items. Finally, you can read more about the roles and members of our D&I Committee

Useful resources

LEAN IN - We help women achieve their ambitions and work to create an equal world
We want a world where people of every gender can pursue their dreams without bias or other barriers holding them back. Where girls grow up to be confident, resilient leaders. Where more women run companies and countries. We are driven by the belief our society and economy would be better if women and girls were valued as equal to men and boys.

HeForShe - United Nations Global Solidarity Movement For Gender Equality
The world is at a turning point. People everywhere understand and support the idea of gender equality. They know it’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue. HeForShe is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality. The men of HeForShe aren’t on the sidelines. They’re working with women and with each other to build businesses, raise families, and give back to their communities.

Women Networks in the Netherlands

Please note: Some texts are only available in Dutch.

Vereniging van Vrouwen met Hogere Opleiding
VVAO is an international knowledge network of educated women focused on empowerment and lifelong strength. VVAO inspires, opens doors, professionally and personally, and is committed to inclusiveness, equality and connection. (Website available in Dutch only)

Dutch Network of Women Professors - Landelijk Netwerk Vrouwelijke Hoogleraren (LNVH)
The goal of the Dutch Network of Women Professors is to promote and sustain equal representation of women in academia, to work towards the betterment of the position of women of all backgrounds and to push for an inclusive and safe academic community.