World-leading university in cooperation with industry

We are a high ranked top university in cooperation with regional, national and international industrial partners. Read more about our indicators.

We stand for talent and excellence

65 Years young, we are a research-driven university of international standing, where excellent research, education and cooperation with industry go hand in hand.

Our researchers have high citation scores, consortia we are part of win prestigious grants and our researchers receive scientific accolades on a regular basis. This distinguishing excellence is based on our three-pillar strategy: attracting talent, using a multidisciplinary approach and providing a stimulating research environment.

(Photo: Sandra Loerakker, associate professor at TU/e, ERC Grant in 2018)


The beating heart of the high-tech innovation ecosystem of Brainport

TU/e belongs to the top 1% in global rankings for co-publishing and cooperating with industry. No surprise, since TU/e was established on Eindhoven industry’s initiative, and with the clear mission to educate engineers for and cooperate with the regional companies.

TU/e is firmly rooted in Brainport region Eindhoven, one of the smartest regions in the world, with a powerful presence of high-tech companies such as ASML, Philips, NXP and DAF PACCAR. TU/e is a crucial engine behind innovation in this ecosystem. The number of knowledge projects with industry, the number of professors we employ jointly with the industry and hospitals, and ground-breaking program-based collaborations such as the Impuls initiative, demonstrate that TU/e is the the beating heart of the high-tech innovation ecosystem Brainport.

Our top position in cooperation with industry is based on:

  • Top 25 worldwide co-publications with industry

  • One third of professors has a joint assignment in industry

  • Top 5 worldwide Industry income (knowledge transfer)

  • Excellent job opportunities in Brainport

  • High second and third funding flow

Other general rankings

There are various international rankings to compare universities, each one focusing on a different perspective. Rankings are methods for comparing the quality of universities around the world. Universities are judged by their academic performance, publications, reputation, collaboration with industrial partners and the quality of the education, among other things. Read more about our position in general international rankings.