University alliances & networks

TU/e joins forces with other universities and partners at home and abroad. In this way, we are able to enhance our impact for science, industry and society, conduct high-quality interdisciplinary research, act as a gateway for regional partners into the world-wide science networks and create an international climate for study and work. Among these many cooperations, TU/e focuses on the following alliances and networks.

Strategic Alliance TU/e, WUR, UU and UMC Utrecht

Together with Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Utrecht University (UU) and Utrecht University Medical Center (UMC Utrecht), we team up in a strategic alliance to engage important challenges in science and society. Together, we combine top-quality disciplines in humanities, social sciences, law, agri-food, life sciences, science and technology to create initiatives to have a world-wide impact in science, allow us to contribute with public and private partners to societal challenges, and provide excellent education for a future generation of experts and leaders.

This new cooperation builds on the successful strategic alliance Utrecht – Eindhoven and starts with a focus on Preventive Health, Circular Society and Education. Contact person at TU/e: Renee Westenbrink. Read more on Challenging future generations.

EuroTech University Alliance

Is a strategic partnership of leading universities of science & technology: Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Technion Israel Institute of Technoloy, Ecole Polytechnique (L’X), Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) and Technical University of Munich (TUM). Together they are committed to finding technological solutions which address the major challenges of modern society. Their intensive collaboration across research, education & innovation support the EU’s goals of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Read more on the TU/e EuroTech program for PhD candidates here. For more information: eurotech-universities. Contact person at TU/e: Marleen van Heusden

EuroTeQ Engineering University

TU/e is a proud founder of EuroTeQ, which emerged from the EuroTech Universities Alliance. As six leading Universities of Science and Technology, EuroTeQ is equipped to introduce a paradigm shift in the engineering education of the future, aspiring responsible value co-creation in technology. The meaning “Engineering University” is twofold: to provide excellent education to future engineers and to engineer the University of the Future, as a role model for the EU Higher Education Area and beyond.

Contact person at TU/e: Helen Michielsen. Read more on Engineer the future with us

Entrepreneurial Education Network

The Entrepreneurial Education Network (EEN) wishes to unite professionals in entrepreneurial learning and entrepreneurship, who work in and around higher education. In order to drive the dialogue and connect entrepreneurial educators we organise bi-monthly (online) network events, in which we aim to unite a diverse group of people working in education, policy, incubators and KTO's. These meet-ups are organised to keep an open flow of communication among the different entrepreneurship education practitioners, but also serves as a platform to share best practices and learn from each other. Anyone can subscribe to the network’s activities.

EEN is initiated by the Strategic Alliance between Utrecht, Eindhoven and Wageningen. The network’s activities are coordinated by the Utrecht University Centre for Entrepreneurship. Contact person at TU/e: Isabelle Reymen.


The four Dutch universities of technology – Eindhoven University of Technology, Delft University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University & Research – together cooperate in many fields of science & technology and coordinate new iniatives in the field fo engineering. Through this cooperation, 4TU.Federation generates more expertise, resources and international top talent as well as an improved focus in education and research. The four universities, each with its own excellent reputation, are thus taking on competition from abroad. Read more on the 4TU-website.

Zhejiang University

Eindhoven University of Technology and Zhejiang University started their cooperation as key strategic partners in 2005. Currently, several educational programs are offered, such as exchange programs and the 3+2 program. Close ties between researchers of the two universities have resulted in a Joint Research Institute in the field of Health Care and Cure. The two universities also work together in the Brainbridge program, together with Philips Research (see Contact person at TU/e: Marleen van Heusden.

CLUSTER - Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research

Is a consortium of 12 elite European Universities in Science and Engineering (and architecture) with associate members from around the world. CLUSTER represents a multi-location European University of Science and Technology with about 3.000 professors, 11.000 academic staff, 14.000 PhD students, with a total of more than 140,000 students. The network evolved from being focused only on Engineering Education to be, nowadays, acting on the so-called knowledge triangle comprising Education, Research and Innovation. CLUSTER is an active platform in the promotion and creation of frameworks aiming to tackle important societal issues. For more information. Contact person at TU/e: Marleen van Heusden

The SGroup European Universities’ Network (formerly: the Santander Group)

Aims to strengthen the institutional capacities of its member universities, to reinforce their international visibility and competitiveness and to expand their collaboration opportunities in education and research. It seeks to achieve this through transfer of knowledge, the development of alliances and the improvement of intercultural understanding. The SGroup is an active partner in numerous EU-funded projects and it collaborates with networks in Latin-America and China. TU/e was one of the founding fathers of the SGroup in 1989. For more information. Contact person at TU/e: Anneroos Dijkhuis,