Our good intentions

In this new year and beyond, we as Alumni Relations Office will be fully committed to connecting. Especially between the TU/e and you as alumni. Because we can still learn so much from each other.


Almost every week we read about yet another new innovation around the energy transition. That progress is wonderful, of course. But all those individual inventions do not add up to the solution. In fact, they may even get in each other’s way. What does work? System thinking. And you can read all about that in this shortread about EIRES, our institute for renewable energy.

Events Alumni

Alumni in the spotlight

Alumni who received a special scholarship or - with their own company - make the news or win prizes. We honor them in this section.

Keyword Energy

In her own words, Beatrix Bos is a project manager and impact creator.  The latter we can confirm from experience, after she hosted one of our events.Beatrice is a TU/e Alumna, a former Sustainable Innovation student with a master in Sustainable Energy Technology and a true energy transition evangelist. If we could harvest her energy when she talks about the subject, we could probably do with one or two less windmill parks. We also view her as a role model to women in science, tech and/or engineering.

Alumni Associations

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Stay connected with your alma mater by subscribing to our newsletter via the Alumni Portal. Keep up to date with the latest news, events, and opportunities by signing up for our regular updates. You can also access past newsletters through the Alumni Portal. 

For Life. For the World. For the Better. 

These words form the motto of our University Fund. They represent our ambition to contribute to the solution of societal issues. As Eindhoven University Fund, we therefore support researchers and students. 

Make a difference with us and also contribute financially to a project that you care about. Big or small, both are an expression of commitment and we value them very much. You will give back something that is meaningful and appropriate for your situation and for the university. That is what makes a real community.

Stay in touch


The office for Alumni Relations connects alumni, TU/e and students. We help each other, with practical support, inspiration and our networks. Connection is our basis for progress.
Do you have any suggestions on how we can strengthen the alumni community even more?  Please contact us via the button below.