
We are on a mission to become a vital campus. This means that we want to enable and promote students and staff to have a healthy lifestyle. Next to that, this means creating a campus culture of compassion, wellbeing, equity and social engagement. These are things that cannot be done by one team alone and should be incorporated into the daily routines of all campus inhabitants.

On this webpage we highlight what you can do to stay vital at home during COVID-19. We also still highlight some vitality resources on our campus, the Student Sports Centre, mental health resources and a community overview. You can also find some of the research related to vitality that is done on our campus. 


Feel free to drop your ideas, initiatives or suggestions to improve the vitality of the TU/e campus and its inhabitants, to the Vitality Core Team.

Additionally, if you are curious and enthousiastic about vitality and improving this for our campus and its inhabitants, become one of our ambassadors!

Vitality on Campus

This is an overview of the most important resources on our campus related to vitality.

Physical activity

Discover the possibilities for physical activity on our campus & support for staying physically active at home.

Mental & social health

Vitality is not only about being physically active. A large part of it is also about mental and social health. Take a look here for the resouces the university has to offer.


At the base of a vital lifestyle is a healthy diet. If you want some help with this or want to learn more take a look at the resources below.

Personal Story

Workplace Vitality Hub

One of the local collaborations of the Vitality Core team is the Workplace Vitality Hub.
The Workplace Vitality Hub is an initiative of FITT (Fontys, IMEC, TNO and TU/e), Twice and the High Tech Campus. The focus is on bringing together knowledge institutes, technology partners, employer- and employee organizations, and health insurance companies in a real-life living lab setting. 
The Hub will facilitate research and development of innovative solutions to enhance the health and wellbeing of employees and to develop healthy buildings. The overall goal is to improve the vitality and productivity of people as well as building- and organizational performance. The Workplace Vitality Hub will be located in HTC 85 at the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven.


About Vitality at TU/e

Why? We want to enable and promote students and staff to have a healthy lifestyle. We want to create a lively campus culture of compassion, well-being, equity and social engagement.  

How? We build on many initiatives within TU/e and give them focus and critical mass. The Vitality Core Team exists out of six sub-teams (Nutrition, Mental Vitality, Physical Activity, Physical Environment, Technology & Vitality and Awareness). These sub teams, together with ambassadors and many TU/e organizations, will support and create different initiatives and help to stimulate and facilitate vitality research. 

Who? The Vitality Core Team consists of employees and students of Research Area Engineering Health, ESA, HRM, Innovation Space, CEC, Sport Centre and the Fontys. The Core Team Vitality coordinates the overall plan supported by enthusiastic ambassadors who are committed to organize activities.