Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering
The mission of the Department of Electrical Engineering is to acquire, share and transfer knowledge and understanding in the whole field of Electrical Engineering through education, research and valorization. The department aims to be a research-driven and design-oriented world-class institute by having education, research and valorization reinforce each other. Activities share an application-oriented character, a high degree of complexity and a large synergy between multiple facets of the field.
The mission of our Electrical Engineering department is captured in the three mission phrases we formulated 15 years ago. We work towards:
- a ‘Smart Sustainable Society’,
- a ‘Connected World’, and
- a healthy humanity (‘Care & Cure’).
These goals are strongly connected to the much more elaborate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
The department positions itself as a strong partner for interdisciplinary applied research and design within the Brainport region around Eindhoven, and as a globally oriented organization for Electrical Engineering research and education in its full breadth.
News from our department
Visiting address
Dirk Yükseldr. Jennifer Koçvan Maarensingel8322EH BussumThe Netherlandsmathijs57@ live.nl -
Postal address
Emma van den Broek MscLivia Verkade BscZum Vörde Sive VördinghofPO Box 5135751LD OudegaThe Netherlandsmatthias.willemsen@ draaisma.com -
Reception Flux
Marit Langevoortbc. Joy Janssenvan Noordeloosstraat1333EJ Lierenvandenbrink.pim@ post.nl