Welcome to the department of Applied Physics and Science Education
The Applied Physics and Science Education department views its mission as making contributions to physics and society by means of the education of students, by doing research and by valorizing the knowledge gained in its research. All three of these aspects are strongly influenced by the unique industrial ecosystem that TU/e is surrounded by, which has a high demand for both the human capital and the research output produced by the department.
Education and research are inextricably linked in our department and the extensive research track record of our staff (memberships of the KNAW and the Young Academy, Spinoza laureates, prize recipients of professional organizations like AVS and APS, editorships of most of the prominent journals in physics, etc.) sustains the quality of the physics foundation we can offer to our students.
In addition, the close relationship between our staff and the surrounding industrial ecosystem (ASML, Philips, VDL, Prodrive Technologies, Thermo Fisher Scientific, TNO) provides us with adequate knowledge of the needs of the future employers of our students. The citation rates of our joint publications with the ecosystem are even higher than the excellent field-average citation rate of the staff within our department.
News from our department
Visiting address
ds. Britt AdriaenseRobin Molde Bruinstraat6741BR KoolwijkThe Netherlandsschakelaar.timo@ live.nl -
Postal address
Loek van Beekdrs Sven MeisEverspadPO Box 5133202AN RadewijkThe Netherlandsnova.aziz@ huisman.net -
Reception Flux
Mehmet van den Boschds. Lina Prins FLUX 0.100Bulutring8121SB Zoeterwoudelivia.vink@ muller.nl