We are the matchmakers between TU/e students and companies in the Brainport region

EuFlex Technificent

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Welcome to EuFlex Technificent

EuFlex Technificent bridges the gap between TU/e talents and the labor market. Are you searching for an interesting student job or starter position? Or are you a company looking for talented TU/e students? EuFlex Technificent is your matchmaker! With years of experience, we help students to find interesting student jobs and starter positions to excel in their field of study, and help companies to find technical top talent in an early stage. Curious? See what we can offer you!

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EuFlex Technificent is the ideal matchmaker for TU/e students and industry. Our broad network of industry partners and TU/e students help both students and companies to find each other. Students can find vacancies for student Jobs and starter positions or learn more about a company during a company event. A perfect way to proactively find your perfect employer-employee fit in an early stage!

More info?

Would you like to learn more about EuFlex Technificent and what we can offer you?
Feel free to have a look on our website, or directly contact us by email or give us a call:

Student information:    https://www.euflex.nl/student
Company information: https://www.euflex.nl/company 

E-mail: Technificent@tue.nl 
Phone:  040 – 247 8084         



Services for companies

Getting in touch with your future top talents? That’s possible. EuFlex Technificent bridges the gap between technical TU/e talent and the labor market in three different ways. Take on our technical TU/e talents for a student job at your organization, or think ahead and establish a business relation to stimulate future collaboration. Read more about the options that we offer below, and of course we would like to go through the possibilities with you personally too: 040 247 80 80.

Services explained

Watch the video and discover the secret behind recruiting technical top talent for your company. Curious how EuFlex Technificent can help your organization?
Visit our website: www.EuFlex.nl/company
