
Allocating students in the context of teachers’ annual report meetings in secondary education 
Assessment Practices in inter-program CBL Education: The case of the innovation Space Bachelor End Project (ISBEP) 
Challenge based learning in Industrial Design 
Challenge Based Tasks For Fundamental Knowledge 
Deepening Multidisciplinary with Systems & Control 
Design Your CBL
Designing a data feedback cycle for improving (student) teachers’ teaching of science and technology inprimary schools
Designing a digital learning environment for learning and teaching quantum mechanics at upper secondary school level
Duurzame innovaties in het onderwijs: Een systematische literatuurreview. De invloed van (gespreid) leiderschap en de samenhang met contextuele, relationele en individuele condities.
Effective learning and student-team collaboration in the international classroom at TU/e
Evaluation of Socio-Scientific Issues-based science lessons 
Implementation of 360 ̊-Virtual Reality to support meaningful chemistry education at secondaryschoollevel
Learning to reflect, how to coach that? Research on Coaching Skills to Support the Reflection Process of Technasium Students
LESSAM: Lesson Study as a vehicle for improving achievement in mathematics (Erasmus+)
Lesson Study: maatschappelijke vraagstukken in de bètales
Mobile learning for challenge-based education – Enhancing engineering education with mobile-centred authentic, personalized and collaborative assignments (CEE/Innovation Fund)
Modularisation: the case of mathematics in/for engineering education
Multi-Math: Communicating mathematically in the multilingual university (CEE/Innovation Fund) 
Pedagogy of Challenge-based learning 
Preparing engineering students for tomorrows challenges: Investigating challenges to support interdisciplinarity 
Professional development of teachers in the technical domain: a content based approach in the lessons of senior secondary vocational education teachers
Professional learning communities in pre-vocational secondary schools: Effects of interdependency on differentiated teaching 
Progression and Pedagogy of Design: Contextualizing Design based Pedagogy in Teacher Education Programs
Promoting ownership in pre-vocational education 
Science Teachers Design Formative Evaluation Tools for SSI (Socio-Scientific Issues) Skills
Structural scaffolding via diagrams to teach students syntactic proof production (CEE/Innovation Fund)
Student learning experiences in challenge-based education: the case/s of applied mathematics and physics 
Supporting evidence-based educational innovation at TU/e
Teacher professional learning in the context of innovations in higher education
The Academic Teacher Education Program: Striving for Excellence and Ambition 
Towards achieving a shared aim: Education for Global Citizenship and Sustainable Development by Using Socio-scientific Issues in Science Education
