Department of Applied Physics

Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics

We explore the novel physics and applications emerging from the interaction of light with nanoscale matter.

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Mastering light at the nanoscale

The emission and absorption of light is the physical basis of lasers, LEDs, solar cells and photodetectors, which have become crucial parts of our daily life. By controlling these processes at a subwavelength scale, we can significantly improve the performance of these photonic devices and develop completely new ones. The Photonics and Semiconductor Nanophysics group investigates the physics of (nano-)photonic structures and materials in five distinct but related research lines, mostly centered around semiconductors, for applications ranging from optical communications to sensing and energy conversion.


PSN Colloquia

You can find the list of the coming PSN colloquia here

Our Labs


Please check out the TU/e Vacancies page for further opportunities within our group. For spontaneous applications and general inquiries, please contact prof. Jaime Gómez-Rivas


Meet some of our Researchers

Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute

By bringing together photonics, electronics and quantum technology, Eindhoven Hendrik Casimir Institute (EHCI) drives exponential computing, communication and sensing technologies, to enable a sustainable information society.



The NanoLabTUe offers a unique combination of equipment for developing optical chips and other applications based on compound semiconductor technology.

The cleanroom at the NanoLabTUe offers a combination of equipment that is available nowhere else in the academic world. Here, optical chips based on semiconductive indium phosphide can be fabricated, from substrate right through to the end product.

The NanoLabTUe is an open-access research laboratory, in which both TU/e and other research centers and industrial parties conduct research. This approach ensures that insights and understanding acquired through fundamental research quickly find their way into industry.

Student opportunities

Check out all our courses


In practically all research projects there are ample opportunities for Bachelor and Master projects and internships on photonics, nanophotonics and semiconductor nanophysics. More information


Integrated photonics will have major impact in areas such as communications, healthcare, agro-food, and mobility. The market is growing fast and thousands of jobs will be created. TU/e is the place to start a career in this field.

Do you want to be part of this future?

Then you should consider the new PhotonDelta Fast Career Track program. This program involves TU/e Master students in Applied Physics or Electrical Engineering in photonics research and applications, together with researchers and companies active in this field. For more information please consult: PhotonDelta Fast Career Track Program for Applied Physics students

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