Various companies especially interested in TU/e students have emphasized the importance of professional skills. In the high-performance workplaces of today, people need to be able to present themselves, be creative, show (self) leadership and adopt an entrepreneurial attitude towards their work and their lives. Therefore, professional skills such as presentation skills, teamwork skills and writing skills are more important than ever. Young professionals need to bring more to the table than their technical knowledge and an engineering degree. It is our ambition to offer students a platform where the can develop the skills they need to get the career they want.
Presentation skills
We believe that great presenters are not born, they are made. Made by the unavoidable process of hitting the dirt before going sky high. That’s why we provide you with place to try, fail and improve your presentation skills.
Other skills
Besides teamwork skills, presentations skills and academic writing skills we also address every other skill you can think of, for example time management, creativity skills and project management.
Contact us
Luna van den PolSterre van den Heuvelvan der Veldesingel5684CP Garypfien73@