Professional skill development

TU/e Skillslab

Shape your own future and start expanding your professional skills today with TU/e SkillsLab.

Various companies especially interested in TU/e students have emphasized the importance of professional skills. In the high-performance workplaces of today, people need to be able to present themselves, be creative, show (self) leadership and adopt an entrepreneurial attitude towards their work and their lives. Therefore, professional skills such as presentation skills, teamwork skills and writing skills are more important than ever. Young professionals need to bring more to the table than their technical knowledge and an engineering degree. It is our ambition to offer students a platform where the can develop the skills they need to get the career they want.


You are probably not aware about the many assumptions you make when you meet someone. In our teamwork workshop you get the chance to understand how words can have a completely different effect on people compared to what you think. When you are aware of this, and you know how to pick up those signals, you can benefit from this in both your professional and personal life.

Presentation skills

We believe that great presenters are not born, they are made. Made by the unavoidable process of hitting the dirt before going sky high. That’s why we provide you with place to try, fail and improve your presentation skills.


In the workshops that address academic writing skills, important facets of writing different sections of your thesis will be discussed. Although each of these different chapters tells their own part of the thesis story, similar writing schemes can be used to successfully write that particular section. Readability strategies can and have to be applied in your entire thesis and will therefore mainly be covered during these workshops.

Other skills

Besides teamwork skills, presentations skills and academic writing skills we also address every other skill you can think of, for example time management, creativity skills and project management.


  • 19 Sep
    Automation of radiotherapy treatment planning for breast cancer

    PhD defense

    September 19, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 19 Sep
    A numerical study of single iron particle combustion

    PhD defense Leon Thijs

    September 19, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 20 Sep
    Tailoring Isotactic Polypropylene Film Properties for Sustainable Packaging

    PhD defense Nikolaos Sigalas

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 20 Sep
    The Efficacy of Electrohysterography in Evaluating Uterine Activity

    PhD defense Maria Frenken

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 20 Sep
    Geometric Partial Differential Equations in Deep Learning and Image Processing

    PhD defense Bart Martin N. Smets

    September 20, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 24 Sep
    Remote care and sensor technology in heart failure management

    PhD defense

    September 24, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 25 Sep
    Plasmonic Particle Arrays for Vibrational Strong Coupling and Polaritonic Chemistry

    PhD defense Francesco Verdelli

    September 25, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 25 Sep
    Supporting the Design of Social Robotic Applications

    PhD defense Baisong Liu

    September 25, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 25 Sep
    The Complexity of Bisimilarity by Partition Refinement

    PhD defense Jan Josephus Martinus Martens

    September 25, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 30 Sep
    Automaton-based Techniques for Optimized Term Rewriting

    PhD defense Ricardo Erkens

    September 30, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 01 Oct
    Design space exploration of meat processing systems

    PhD defense Nick Paape

    October 1, 2024 / TU/e Campus

  • 01 Oct
    Probing the Potential of Hexagonal Silicon-Germanium for Lasing

    PhD defense Marvin van Tilburg

    October 1, 2024 / TU/e Campus

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