Personal informatics & Personal health: Empowerd by Data?

31 March
the potential of self-tracking technologies (aka Quantified Self) to support improved health trajectories, as well as challenges associated with the introduction and use of personal informatics

Personal informatics & Personal health: Empowerd by Data?

31 March 2017. Visitors were inspired by the talks and pitches which looked at both the potential of self-tracking technologies (aka Quantified Self) to support improved health trajectories, as well as challenges associated with the introduction and use of personal informatics, including issues of privacy and control, unintended effects of self-tracking, and the required transformation of healthcare and medical practices.


A Personal Introduction to Personal Informatics: Challenges and Opportunities
Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Human-Technology Interaction Group (TU/e) and scientific director of the Center for Humans & Technology

Quantified Self; real-life research on Sports and Vitality
Aarnout Brombacher, Design theory and information flow analysis, Industrial Design and dean of the faculty of Industrial Design (TU/e)

Towards Unified Health Gamification
Pieter Van Gorp, Information Systems Group, School of Industrial Engineering (TU/e)

Technology and Quality of (Working) Life: The special case of smartphone
Evangelia Demerouti , chair of the Human Performance Management Group (TU/e)


Modeling Behavior Change Data in the Health Domain
Chao Zhang, PhD student, Human Technology Interaction (TU/e)

Subjective and Objective Measures of Sleep in Elite Sport: Relations with Recovery
Yannick Balk, PhD candidate, Human Performance Management (TU/e)

From personal data to personal value: are we there yet?
Els Kersten - van Dijk, PhD student, Human Technology Interaction (TU/e)

The effect of patient-generated data on the relation between doctor and patient
Heleen Rutjes, PhD student, Human-Technology Interaction (TU/e)

The Transparent Self: Coaching of Coaxing
Marjolein Lanzing, PhD student, Philosophy and Ethics (TU/e

The research meet was organized by the Center for Humans & Technology, in collaboration with the DSC/e and 4TU.