In order to maintain a pleasant and calm study atmosphere, and to keep the study room in the best possible shape, a number of house rules apply for our visitors:

  • On the ground floor (floor 0) there are two so-called sound zones: the quiet zone around the vides where only short and soft conversation is permitted, and the group zone where students may work and deliberate in groups.
  • Please avoid causing noise disturbance to your fellow Library visitors. Audible use of mobile phones is not permitted inside the Library.
  • The silence zone in the basement (floor -1) is for individual use of study seats only. (Telephone) conversation not permitted. .
  • Coats and bags may be taken to the study seats. Keep walkways clear however. Lockers are available free of charge for Library users on the first floor (floor +1).
  • No food allowed in the Library and study rooms.
    Leave your study seat behind tidy for the next visitor.
  • Handing out flyers is not permitted in Library, in accordance with MetaForum house rules.
  • In the Library there are several work group work spaces and individual study cabins. Reservations for use via Outlook Calendar is requiered. (Reservation study cabin). 
  • It is pleasant for everybody if books and journals can be found quickly. Therefore, please put books and journals back in their correct places after viewing them.
  • Books, journals and other items are secured against theft. Expenses for damage will be charged.
  • Photography and filming inside the Library are permitted only with prior consent by the staff.
  • The Library takes no responsibility for damaged or lost property. Do not leave your belongings unattended in the Library. Do not claim a study seat if you are not using it.
  • Please follow directions from staff at all time. Staff members may ask for your identification, and are authorized to inspect your bags. Camera surveillance is in place.
  • Staff may request visitors who ignore the house rules to leave the Library.
