EuroTeQ Engineering University

Engineer the future with us

The 5th edition of the EuroTeQ Course Catalogue is now open for registration! A new set of (virtual) courses is available at our European partner universities between September 2023 and January 2024. Deadline for registration is 1 August. Check out the list of courses via the button below. For Mechanical Engineering students, we have gone the extra mile and identified courses with pre-recognition. You'll find that list in the Mechanical Engineering brochure via the button below.

TU/e is a proud founder of EuroTeQ, which emerged from the EuroTech Universities Alliance. Anchored in diverse geographical and cultural contexts, each partner, with their corresponding eco-system, provides added value and a competitive advantage to the EuroTeQ cooperation. As six leading Universities of Science and Technology, EuroTeQ is equipped to introduce a paradigm shift in the engineering education of the future, aspiring responsible value co-creation in technology.

Get to know our partners

Want to learn more about the six partner universities that together form EuroTeQ Engineering University? Make sure to read our partner brochure:

Course Catalogue

The EuroTeQ partner universities work together in the EuroTeQ Joint Campus. One important element of this Joint Campus is our course catalogue. In our joint course catalogue, the six EuroTeQ universities and our associated partner Technion share educational offerings among partner institutions. The EuroTeQ courses are available to all students of each participating institution. The catalogue lists online courses, hybrid courses and some blended courses. Are you interested in studying at one of EuroTeQ’s partner universities?  Check out the Course Catalogue and see what the other universities have to offer.

EuroTeQ partners are working together to promote different kinds of international opportunities and formats for students at each institution: research stays, internships, short-term physical programs and more. Depending on the opportunities at each of the partner universities, EuroTeQ could also offer help with that. This type of study abroad format is often part of the Erasmus (bilateral) agreements that exist between EuroTeQ partners. Check this website for more opportunities available to EuroTeQ students.

Learn more about the Course Catalogue

In a webinar for students on May 30th, we will explain to you how the new, automated Course Catalogue works, what the offer looks like, and where you can find more information about signing up. Hear more about experiences from students who went before you as well! Watch the webinar via MS Teams. You can watch the previous Course Catalogue webinar by clicking the image on the left.

EuroTeQ Collider@TU/e

The EuroTeQ Collider is a co-creative innovation journey in which interdisciplinary and international teams work towards their idea of a desirable future. Every Collider works around a central theme. The current theme is Leave no waste behind.

Each partner within EuroTeQ has a different format for their Collider. Teams work on the challenges locally and receive different forms of coaching and training to bring their ideas to the next level.

Towards the end of the Collider@TU/e, a local judging panel will select one representative per topic domain. These teams get the chance to compete during the EuroTeQaThon, where all selected teams of each partner university come together and compete for the big prize: a trip to Brussels to present their ideas to the European Union.

During the collider, inter-disciplinary (and international) teams will be invited to explore different aspects of this challenge, develop solutions towards a desirable future, test and validate ideas, and create prototypes of their solution.

Want to get an impression of the first edition in Spring 2022? Check out this video.

Want to learn more about the upcoming Collider@TU/e? Click on the button below.

Learn more about EuroTeQ

Paul Koenraad, dean of the graduate school at Eindhoven University of
Technology, introduces you to the EuroTeQ Engineering University. Paul talks about our mission and vision, the different challenges we're trying to tackle, the activities we are working on and the teaching formats we are developing, and how you as a student or an industry partner can benefit from our activities.


The meaning “Engineering University” is twofold: To provide excellent education to future engineers and to engineer the University of the Future, as a role model for the EU Higher Education Area and beyond. And you, as a TU/e student or employee, can help us do this! Check out the EuroTeQ website on how you can join us.

If you’re interested in EuroTeQ and want to keep informed on our activities and upcoming opportunities or events relevant for TU/e students or employees, sign up for our newsletter. We’ll send you the latest information four times per year.

Want to stay up to date?

EuroTeQ – a prestige project of the European Commission

The European Universities Initiative is one of the European Commission’s most prestigious calls for proposals. The objective of this instrument is to establish ambitious European university alliances over the next few years that will make the European university landscape even stronger. The EU is funding EuroTeQ as part of its European Universities programme over the next three years with around five million euros through Erasmus+ and two million euros from Horizon 2020.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Union