Collider Spring 2024 edition

The Collider is open to registration to all EuroTeQ partners via the Course Catalogue. We believe there is great added value in bringing learners together from different countries and institutions. The structure of the Collider will allow one to form and participate in interdisciplinary, international teams in a hybrid setting.

Together you will work on open-ended challenge-based projects centered around the theme: “Enhance Connections!”. This experience will enable you to contribute to sustainable futures, while improving your capabilities to, amongst others: offer an innovative and entrepreneurial solution that is not only technical, address uncertainty and acting while being out of your comfort zone.

At the end of the Collider all participants will pitch their results and have a chance to join the EuroTeQaThon hosted at Ecole Polytechnique. The ultimate goal of these events is to collectively develop solutions and actionable opportunities to create sustainable futures.

Registration at TU/e is open to all master students and any bachelor student who completed at least two years of the bachelor program. So, make sure to register to the correct course code via Osiris, registration will open on: 15/11/2/23 and close on: 07/01/2023.

Note: non-TUe students can join the Collider via the Course Catalogue until 24th November 2023

Save the date!

Mark your calendars: the EuroTeQaThon will take place on June 8-10 at École Polytechnique, Paris. You can find more information and a teaser video of the previous EuroTeQaThon on the EuroTeQ website here.