Energy, Sustainability

Nurdle Soup

Detect, trace and stop the leakage of plastic granulate from the industry

team 22
Nurdle soup setup
Nurdle soup setup



Plastic, a man-made product, has been entering water systems on a ginormous scale since the 1960s, and poses a major threat to both marine- and public health.

It is our responsibility and an investment in the future to improve the state of the marine environment to its once-great condition of the past.

Plastics should no longer enter the water, period. This especially includes microplastics, like nurdles; tiny industrial granulates. Due to their small size, toxin-saturation, and destructive potential to both flora and fauna, spillage and pollution of microplastics cannot be accepted.   

Nurdle Soup strives to fill an unmet need in environmental sensing and create more awareness for the global problem of microplastics, by using self-developed, intelligent microplastic detection-technology.

We are building such a device because you cannot manage what you cannot yet detect. With instantaneous hard data on quantity and composition, we for example aim to change processes of the conventional plastic industry and provide feedback as to how our efforts to reduce and mitigate plastic pollution are working. Hereby, we are able to better direct our finite resources to what is most effective.  

Currently there is no similar system and the main path to gathering data is by handpicking nurdles once they end up on the beach. Our system can create a comparative model that can provide much more information.

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