Mission ESoE

ESoE is the expertise centre of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) regarding (1) the education and professional development of teachers and (2) educational innovation, both with a focus on secondary and higher education of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
More specifically, ESoE 

  • offers a Master's program in Science Education and Communication, in which teachers are educated to become so-called first-degree (‘eerstegraads’) teachers in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Research and design, and Computer science. ESoE also offers an educational module that leads to a second-degree teaching qualification mainly offered to bachelor students;
  • conducts scientific research on education and professional development of teachers and on the design and effects of educational innovations, in particular with regard to STEM education;
  • supports and promotes educational innovations through professional development, consultancy and applied research, both at the TU/e and at educational institutions / schools in the region.

Leading is ESoE’s vision on professional STEM teachers: innovative experts in their subject domain who design and develop (technologically) rich contexts for learning. They systematically reflect on their teaching, including their own role, and demonstrate an inquiring and learning attitude towards their subject and work as teachers. As such they are a role model for their students. In innovative contexts they act as agents of change, together with colleagues inside and outside their schools, and they demonstrate the professional leadership needed for this. ESoE strives to educate these academic professionals in close cooperation with schools. The ultimate goal of the ESoE research program is to contribute to the education of more and better STEM teachers and to educational innovation. In turn, more students will be attracted to a STEM study at university.

The focus of ESoE's research program is on secondary and higher STEM education, both as object and as context. Linked to and in line with their three-fold mission, ESoE’s scientific research is practice-oriented. Its research program starts from and connects with educational issues, problems, and questions in educational practice. Consequently, ESoE researchers strive for high quality research with strong societal impact in the STEM domains of teaching and teacher education, and educational innovation.
