PDO overlooks the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and intermediates between your questions and high level mathematics and computer science knowledge in a broad area. Therefore, it has access to a wide range of mathematical expertise including scientific computing, statistics, operations research, and coding theory.
We offer tailor-made collaboration; according to the specific needs we create project teams with members that may range from student to full professor.
Furthermore, the Design programs Mathematics for Industry and Software Technology which offer a two-year broad postgraduate education aimed at mathematics / computer science oriented positions in industry work closely together with PDO. The program of twenty four months can be roughly split into a course part and a training part. Through projects the trainees work together to solve problems introduced by representatives from industry. Moreover, the program is completed with a nine month project, which is executed within an industrial environment.
PDO closely collaborates with the TU/e Innovation Lab, the central innovation organisation within the university.