A while ago I published a dataset in 4TUResearchData and now I would like to mention the article that belongs to the dataset. Is that possible?
Yes, that’s possible and you can do this yourself (for more info see this). You can also reserve a data-DOI in the upload form of the repository. Do not publish your dataset yet. You can use this data-DOI in your manuscript. The data-DOI will be activated once you publish the dataset online. If at that point you have the DOI of your article, you can include this in the metadata section of the submission. This will complete the circle: the article-DOI is referenced in the metadata of the dataset, the data-ROI is referenced in the article.
Are Creative Commons (CC) licenses suitable for software?
No, CC licenses are not suited for software licensing.
Are there any costs involved in uploading datasets in 4TUResearchData?
For TU/e staff the use of 4TU.ResearchData is free up to 1 Tb per year. If your data exceeds 1 Tb, please contact rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl.
Are there any funding opportunities to make my data more FAIR?
4TU.ResearchData reviews applications to the so called ‘Data Refinement Fund’. Here you can apply for a maximum of €5,000 to make your dataset FAIR.
Can I log in to DMP Online with my TU/e credentials?
No, institutional log-in to DMPonline with your TU/e credentials is not possible. You must create a personal account.
Can someone support me with making a data management plan?
Yes, send an email to rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl and your request will be picked up by one of TU/e’s data stewards. More information can be found on this page.
Can students also use SURFdrive?
Yes, but not in a standard way. Students can request access to SURFdrive via Information Management and Services. The request must be approved by the faculty where they are studying.
Do you have examples of data management plans?
You can find examples at DMPonline. NWO has published a DMP assessment rubric. Contact rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl if you need help with writing your DMP.
Does NWO require me to make the research software code available to others?
Yes, if the research code is needed to access and process the data or if the research software code is the outcome of your research. If for some reason you cannot make your software available, you must explain this in your data management plan.
Does TU/e have a policy for research data management?
No, TU/e is still working on this.
Does TU/e have its own data management plan template?
No. TU/e uses the templates prescribed by research funders.
Does TU/e have its own data repository to deposit research data?
Does TU/e have its own Gitlab server?
Yes, see https://gitlab.TUe.nl.
How can I share my datasets with my (external) project partners?
A safe and secure way to share datasets and work on projects collaboratively is by using SURFdrive or Research Drive. Research Drive has a higher security level and is better suited for working collaboratively with other TU/e members and external collaborators.
How can I upload my data sets in 4TU.ResearchData?
Go to 4TU.ResearchData, select TU/e at Institutional account, log in with your TU/e credentials, fill out the upload form and attach your data files to the form. You can find instructions here.
How should I anonymize or pseudonymize my data?
Information an anonymization and pseudonymization can be found here and here. For further information and support, please contact the data stewards of the RDM support team (rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl).
I am planning a research project that involves human participants and/or personal data. What steps should I take before I can start?
Visit the site of the Ethical Review Board in order to register your research. Read more about the steps you need to take on the Privacy and Ethics page. Contact the data stewards via rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl in order to get help with privacy issues.
I have a personal account for DMP Online. Now what?
On My Dashboard, click Create plan. At Select the primary funding organization, choose the right funder (NWO, ZonMW, European Commission (H2020), ERC). Select Create plan to start answering the questions. Click Share à Invite collaborators to make a TU/e data steward editor of the plan so that your DMP can be reviewed.
I have pseudonymized my data. Where should I store the key file?
It is important to store the key file at another location (i.e., using another storage facility) than the research data. For example, if you store the research data on SURFdrive, you could store the key file on a TU/e network drive. Make sure to password-protect and/or encrypt the key file.
I just published a dataset with 4TU.ResearchData and I discovered a serious mistake in a data file. Can I remove or change my dataset?
No, this is not possible once your dataset is published (has received a DOI). What you can do is to upload the correct dataset in its entirety. The description of this new dataset will now mention that this is an improved version of the previous dataset (and vice versa).
I wrote a piece of software code for my research. Am I the owner of this code?
TU/e is working on guidelines on this.
In which repository should I put my machine learning data?
In which repository should I put my plasma data?
Is it mandatory to use 4TU.ResearchData to deposit my research data at the end of the project?
No, if there is a good alternative in your scientific discipline, we advise you to use it. See this short overview or go to re3data.org to find a suitable repository.
Is my dataset immediately online once I have uploaded it?
No, your data set and accompanying description will first be reviewed. You will be informed whether or not your dataset is approved. This will take approximately three working days.
Is there a metadata standard for neuroimaging data (e.g., (f)MRI, EEG, MEG)?
Is there a template for filling out a data management plan?
All research funders use templates that allow you to create your DMP. Visit their website or have a look at our page on data management plans for more information.
NWO wants me to consult a TU/e data steward prior to making a data management plan. Who are they?
The data stewards work for the Research Data Management (RDM) team at Data Management and Library (DML). You can contact them through rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl. Your request will then be picked up by one of the data stewards. Here you can find if your department has an embedded data steward.
What are metadata?
What are the FAIR principles?
The FAIR principles are a set of guiding principles that allow many different approaches to make data Findable, Accessible and Interoperable, in order to serve the ultimate goal of Reusability. More information can be found on here and here. Software can also be made fair: https://fair-software.nl/.
What are the FAIR principles?
The FAIR principles are a set of guiding principles that allow many different approaches to make data Findable, Accessible and Interoperable, in order to serve the ultimate goal of Reusability. More information can be found on here and here. Software can also be made fair: https://fair-software.nl/.
What is a DOI?
A DOI is not a URL. A DOI is a unique number that identifies a digital object on the internet (a publication, a data set, etc.) regardless of where the object is located on the internet (URL). This means that if the URL of the object changes, the object can still be found using the DOI.
What should I do if I need more storage space for my research data?
You can send a request for more storage space to Information Management and Services.
What should I do to comply with my funder’s data management requirements?
That depends on the funder. Often, you need to address data management in your proposal and write a more elaborate data management plan once you have been awarded the funding. Usually, you cannot start your project without approval of the data management plan by the funder. You can find more information about the requirements of several important research funders here. Note that it is always a good idea to write a data management plan before starting a research project and update it during your research project.
Where can I find answers to my questions on personal data, GDPR and privacy?
Have a look at the FAQ on the website of Privacy. You can also consult the data stewards of Research Data Management through rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl.
Where should I store my data during my project?
TU/e supports several storage facilities: TU/e network drives, SURFdrive and Research Drive. If you need help choosing a facility or if you have specific needs, please contact rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl or your faculty Research IT.
Which creative commons license should I use for my dataset?
You should choose a license that allows access to your data by as many people as possible, with the fewest restrictions. See our page on data storage, sharing and archiving for more information. If you need help choosing a license, please contact rdmsupport@remove-this.tue.nl.
Which license should I use for my research software code?
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Jasper ErdoğanZoey HuismanBerthoboulevard4337VE Zundert