Network Talk by Prof. dr. Elise van den Hoven, followed by Brainstorm and Exchange session and drinks (19.04.2023)

Wednesday April 19, 2023 from 4:15 PM to 7:30 PM
Senaatszaal, Auditorium
Vospad 39 3704MK Kaag

We are very pleased to announce that the program on April the 19th now includes also a WISE Network talk by Prof. dr. Elise van den Hoven.

Elise van den Hoven will reflect on her life in academia on two sides of the world. She will also talk about her two main motivations: her research program Materialising Memories and mentoring women academics.
More information about Elise van den Hoven and this talk is attached. There will be time for conversations and questions during and after the session.

Following Elise's talk, the WISE Board will present the goals, ideas and (near-)future plans to you.
The WISE board is interested in discussing these with all of you and very much appreciate your feedback, ideas and thoughts about the above-mentioned topics.
After this brainstorm and exchange session, you will have the opportunity to meet, talk and connect with the WISE community.

We will provide the drinks & snacks and look forward to meeting you again!

How to attend the whole event or just a part of it?
Registration can be done via
this registration form

The program will be as follows:

16.15 – 16.30: Welcome in de Senaatszaal (Auditorium).  

16.30 – 17.00: WISE Network talk by Prof. Dr. Elise van den Hoven MTD Title: Motivated by Materialising Memories and mentoring

17.00 – 18.00: Presentation/brainstorm and exchange session

18.00 – 19.30: Networking drinks and snacks.

We appreciate it if you forward this invitation to your colleagues and friends.