Networking Group for female scientific staff TU/e

Women in Science - Eindhoven (WISE) Network

WISE network is a network for female scientific staff at TU/e. Supported by the University Board, the network was founded in March 2007. 

About us

We are the Women in Science Eindhoven (WISE)-Network, which is for all female scientists, from Postdocs, EngD and PhD candidates to full professors and for research-support staff.


  •  Bring people together, stay connected
  •  Generate awareness about the everyday challenges of being a woman in academia
  •  Provide ideas for change in perspective, and exchange ideas among all levels within TU/e
  •  Advocate for equitable and transparent opportunities in career path and personal development.
  •  Collect experiences among our members to provide advice


  •  Inspirational talks on science and career path
  •  Professional skills workshops
  •  Networking drinks
  •  Annual events

If you have ideas for new WISE-Network activities please let us know by sending an e-mail to our secretariat:
We are looking forward to meeting you at one of our upcoming events.

Events (for more information or pictures, click on the event)

WISE Annual Event 2023: “Social Interactions in Science / Opening Conversations” (30.10.2023)

WISE Writing Retreat 2023 (fully booked)

WISE Network Talk by Dr. Giulia Perugia, followed by WISE Network Summer Drinks (27.06.2023)

WISE Lunchtime Talk by Sandra Loerakker (25.05.2023)

Workshop Positive Intelligence (PQ) for WISE members by Karen Buchanan (09-03-2023)

Network Talk by Prof. dr. Elise van den Hoven, followed by Brainstorm and Exchange session and drinks (19.04.2023)

TINT/WISE/BEYOND Event: Celebration Int. Day of Women and Girls in Science (14.02.2023)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk Anna J. Wieczorek (09.02.2023)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk by Francesca Grisoni (22.11.2022)

WISE Annual Event 2022 “Solidarity in Science” (10.10.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk Dr. Mary Tolikas (22.09.2022)

WISE Network Summer Drinks (21.06.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk Prof. M.(Adriana) Creatore (16.06.2022)

WISE virtual writing retreat 2022

WISE Interactive (hybrid) session with female Associate- and Full Professors TU/e (12.04.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Lecture – dr. Maria Sovago/ Stralia (31.03.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk – Prof. Olivia Graeve (17.03.2022)

TINT/WISE/BEYOND Online Event: Celebration Int. Day of Women and Girls in Science (15.02.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk – Prof. Maria Antonietta Loi (27.01.2022)

WISE (online) Lunchtime Talk – Annie Bonsall (11.11.2021)

WISE Annual Event 2021 (05-10-2021)

Active Bystander Training (4-10-2021 OR 11-10-2021)

Lunch-session "How to brand yourself" / hosted by WISE and B-WIN (23.06.2021)

PDA/WISE Event: Work/life balance for young academics/ lunch meeting (08/06/2021)

WISE virtual writing retreat 2021

TINT/WISE Event: International Day of Women and Girls in Science (10-02-2021)

Invitation Virtual visit TUe innovation Space (17-11-2020)

Online Workshop Dealing with Pressure & Stress (6-11-2020 AND 13-11-2020)

WISE Annual Event: Stronger Together (15-10-2020, online)

Active Bystander Training (6-10-2020 OR 8-10-2020)

Virtual Summer Drinks (09-07-2020)

Workshop (online) Media training (30-06-2020)

Wise Writing Group Course (Spring 2020)


TINT / WISE Event: International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11-02-2020)

Het Acteursgenootschap plays: #MeTOOAcademia: The Learning Curve (23-01-2020)

WISE - Network Christmas Drinks (17-12-2019)

WISE - Workshop: Illustrating Posters and Presentations (22-11-2019)

WISE - Workshop: 3D Rendering of Images (15-11-2019)

WISE Annual event: Visibility (21-10-2019)

WISE-Network Summer Drinks (18-6-2019)

Cancelled due to circumstances

Chat with Prof. Joanna Aizenberg (28-5-2019)

Workshop Dealing with Pressure and Stress (21-02-2019)

WISE/TINT Event International Day of Women and Girls in Science (13-2-2019)

New Year's Drinks WISE-Network (15-1-2019)

Workshop Dealing with Pressure and Stress (4-10-2018)

WISE Annual Event: Diversity in Academia (1-10-2018)

Career advancement opportunities

The current WISE Board


Click here for our portfolio. The update for 2019 will follow as soon as possible.


This portfolio organizes activities throughout the year.


The aim of this portfolio is to increase the visibility of the WISE-network inside and outside the TU/e.


Advice informs and advises the Executive Board and Service for Personnel and Organization.

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