WISE Lunchtime Talk by Sandra Loerakker (25.05.2023)

Thursday May 25, 2023 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM
Luna 1.056
Chevressonring 12-h 1531KA Kalenberg

“Balancing different roles in academia: research, education, and the Eindhoven Young Academy of Engineering”

Abstract/About the session:
In this session, Sandra Loerakker will reflect on her career path so far and the choices she made in this. Particularly, she will give a broad overview of her research that aims at developing predictive mathematical models to advance cardiovascular regenerative medicine, and her attempts to make teaching more interactive. She will also give an overview of the goals, past activities, and future plans of the Eindhoven Young Academy of Engineering.

Sandra Loerakker is an associate professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at TU/e, where she leads the ‘Modeling in Mechanobiology’ group. She also has a visiting professor position at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Zurich. In her research, Sandra focuses on developing mathematical models to understand and predict the impact of mechanical factors on cardiovascular growth and adaptation in the context of regenerative medicine. In her role as teacher, she is responsible for courses on finite element analysis and continuum mechanics. She is currently also the chair of the Eindhoven Young Academy of Engineering. Sandra received several prestigious grants (Marie Curie Individual Fellowship (2015), ERC Starting Grant (2018), NWO VIDI (2022), and she was elected as Best Master Teacher of the academic year 2021-2022 at TU/e.

How to attend?
Registration can be done via this form.
(a sandwich lunch will be provided).

Feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you think might be interested in attending this talk.


Women in Science - Eindhoven (WISE) Network

WISE network is a network for female scientific staff at TU/e. Supported by the University Board, the network was founded in March 2007.