WISE Annual Event 2021 (Hybrid)

Tuesday October 5, 2021 from 1:45 PM to 7:00 PM
Online/ Zaal Corona
Berendsring 3679 2771JD Oudehaske

“The impact of Covid on (female) academic careers and the ways in which this impact should be taken into account in the university’s Recognition and Rewards structures”

Tuesday October 5th
Venue: Zaal Corona
Live max. 75 pers. / Online unlimited

13.45 – 14.00 (Virtual) Meeting Space open, logging in and entering

14.00 – 14.15 Welcome (Marion Matters, Chair WISE)
                       Outcome Survey
                       Welcome Keynote speakers
14.15 – 15.05 Impact Covid (dr. Alessandra Minello and dr. Thijs Bol)
15.05 – 15.15 Q&A Discussion
15.15 – 15.30 Break

15.30 – 15.35 Welcome Keynote speaker
15.35 – 16.00 Recognition and Rewards (prof.dr.ir. Frank Baaijens)
16.00 – 16.10 Q&A
16.10 – 16.15 Short break
16.15 – 16.50 Panel Discussion Panel: Thijs Bol, Rozemarijn Schalkx,
                       Alessandra Minello, Mette Schouten and Marion Matters
16.50 – 17.00 Closing Words
17.00 – 19.00 Drinks and buffet in Hubble Café

Registration is possible by filling this form https://forms.office.com/r/YZ83HfDbKE

All TU/e employees/students are warmly invited. We look forward to seeing everyone of you!


Women in Science - Eindhoven (WISE) Network

WISE network is a network for female scientific staff at TU/e. Supported by the University Board, the network was founded in March 2007.