WISE Annual event: Visibility (21-10-2019)

Monday October 21, 2019 from 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM
Meyerstraat 2-k 7361TD Buitenkaag
Zwarte Doos

Visibility makes the difference in today’s society and is highly important for success in the academic community. There are many facets to visibility, such as visibility of your research results, your own visibility in a network and visibility to current and future students of our university. Next to this, visibility to our society becomes increasingly relevant.

In this year’s edition of the Annual Event of the WISE network our invited speakers will share with you their view on this highly relevant topic. They will explain how visibility has influenced their career path and what it means for them in their current positions. We will conclude with a preview on the TU/e course for a Media training.

This event is open to all employees of the university. There will be time to exchange your opinions and we will have a wonderful networking dinner.

Please register via this link


13.15 -13.40 Registration - Coffee and tea available

Chair: Marion Matters-Kammerer - Chair WISE TU/e

Part 1

13.45-13.55 Welcome - Marion Matters-Kammerer – Chair WISE TU/e

Executive Board speakers

Nicole Ummelen – Vice-President Executive Board TU/e and

Robert-Jan Smits – President Executive Board TU/e


Discussion and thanks

14.45-15.05 HubDot Networking and Refreshments

part 2

15.05-15.15 Welcome to 3 speakers
15.15-15.35 Isabel Arends – Dean, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University
15.35-15.55 Sanne Nauts – Philips Research, Eindhoven
15.55-16.15 Lin-Lin Chen – Dean, Industrial Design Department, TU/e
16.15-16.30 Discussion and thanks
16.30-17.00  Media training at TU/e - Aldo Brinkman/Barry van de Meer (CEC)
17.00 Closing words

HubDot Networking continues over drinks and buffet in

Café De Zwarte Doos



Women in Science - Eindhoven (WISE) Network

WISE network is a network for female scientific staff at TU/e. Supported by the University Board, the network was founded in March 2007.