Go Green Office Logo

The GO Green Office is the centre for sustainability on campus at TU/e for all students. As a TU/e organization driven by students, we continuously interact with and inform the student community by hosting events, supporting student initiatives, and exhibiting TU/e sustainability projects in the Green Room which can be found in the forum of the Atlas building. We actively represent students on topics regarding sustainability within the decision-making processes of our university and do so by enabling the sharing of knowledge and student-input on this topic as much as possible.

Feel free to walk into the Green Room (Atlas 0.705) to check out the latest exhibitions, ask questions or bring up green ideas!

Our Projects

One of the projects by the Go Green Office is the Sustainability Manager Project (SUMAP). This projects helps to integrate more sustainable choices within student associations, by functioning as a knowledge platform where good practices are shared with each other. This initiative was created because associations signaled they wanted to incorporate sustainability, but had no clear idea on where to start. Within the associations, a sustainability manager is appointed to encourage more sustainable activities and behavior. The sustainability managers and GO Green Office then come together around six times a year to share expertise, activities and inspiration.

Want to know how to become a sustainability manager for your association? Pop us an email via sumap@gogreenoffice.nl.

Another project set up by the Go Green Office are the TU/e festival cups. This initiative aims to reduce the waste of disposable plastic cups from events by introducing reusable TU/e Festival Cups, and it’s implementation has been a large success! On average around 40 large scale festivals are organized by TU/e. Go Green Office has a large stock of cups at hand and provides them at numerous events on campus instead of disposable cups.

Interested in using TU/e festival Cups? Make sure to email to gogreenoffice@tue.nl!