New Expo: Museum of the Future

Stories of an ever-changing campus

Museum of the Future – stories of an ever-changing campus – is a new expo organized by the GO Green Office. Highlighting interactive and engaging projects / initiatives of individuals and teams from TU/e that address one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The expo encourages to share knowledge and perspectives about our future through the personal drives and stories of people on campus. Furthermore, the expo aims to increase awareness of the SDGs and build on sustainable practices.

The new expo is open to visit during the opening hours of Atlas. Hope to see you there!

Get an impression of the expo from the images below made during the Opening Event on the 2nd of March 2023.


The Green Room aims to be a physical space where sustainability comes alive in the form of inspiring exhibitions, events, and workshops. The Green Room will serve as the central location for all sustainability-minded students, academics, and external parties on campus to come together and form a university-wide community.

You can find the Green Room across the reception of Atlas, room Atlas 0.705.