
About Operations

We want to enable and encourage students and employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle and create a buoyant culture of compassion, well-being, equality and social engagement for everybody and acts as a home away from home. The TU/e campus is being transformed into a designated area where walking, cycling and public transport are stimulated. And while our energy demand is high, we have already taken significant steps to reduce the amount of energy consumed.

Within our operations, we aim at healthy materials and raw materials which we can reuse endlessly within a circular process. Our green campus contributes to the preservation and enhancement of the quality of life for humans and animals.

Together with employees, professors and students (organisations and teams), we have conducted extensive research into what sustainability means at TU/e. We are inspired by four rules for sustainable development:

  1. Don't do things that restrict people from fulfilling their basic needs
  2. Don't destroy nature faster than the time it takes to recover
  3. Do not introduce more natural substances into the environment and faster than nature can process
  4. Do not release more substances from the earth's crust into the environment and faster than nature can process

As a result of this research, combined with the rules for sustainable development, five important sustainability themes have been identified that focus on TU/e's business operations. Strategic goals have been formulated for each of these themes. These goals indicate where we want to be in about ten years' time. On this page, you will find the vision document for operational management, and the sliders with sustainability themes along with their strategic goals.

Socially responsible procurement (MVI)

Sustainable procurement

The impact of sustainable and social public procurement is significant. 18% of the Dutch climate footprint is in government procurement. Sustainable procurement can thus be an effective tool to help reduce CO2 emissions, the environmental impact and resource use, to stimulate a circular economy, to realize an inclusive labor market and to address human and environmental abuses in international chains.

Procurement can therefore make an important contribution to a more sustainable world and aims to play a stimulating role in encouraging and challenging suppliers to offer sustainable and innovative solutions and adopt sustainable operational management.

TU/e Campus

TU/e Campus is an attractive meeting place for students, researchers and entrepreneurs, in the middle of an open and green site, with the atmosphere of an urban park, close to the center. All departments and student facilities are centered along the full length of the Groene Loper.