About the theme

TU/e consists first and foremost of the people who work, learn and live here. Together they form the TU/e community: a diverse and international community of students, employees, alumni and cooperation partners. We want to enable and encourage students and employees to adopt a healthy lifestyle. We want to create a buoyant culture of compassion, well-being, equality and social engagement for everybody, within and outside our campus.

Strategic goals for 2030

Our vibrant campus in every way reflects what we stand for. It cultivates a culture of compassion, well-being and equity for all. With amazing indoor and outdoor spaces that are designed to engage all, that ooze sustainability and spark creativity. We facilitate a healthy and active lifestyle through an abundance of physical and cultural outdoor activities and by serving healthy, flavorful food that nourishes our students and our community. We are your home away from home and we make living a dynamic, healthy and energetic life easily accessible to all. We stimulate the people we work with outside our campus to care about the health and well-being of all the people they work with or influence.