Request books or journal articles not available at TU/e

Books and/or articles that are not in the TU/e collection can be requested elsewhere via the Inter Library Loan (ILL). This service is only available to TU/e staff and TU/e students.

You can always check which books from outside TU/e you have on loan - and when they must be returned - in your LibrarySearch loan account.

Rates and processing of requests

  • Check list of rates in the box on the top right of the page for an overview of costs.
  • Requests for book loans or copies of articles can be paid for in cash at the library information desk. If you have authorization, the costs may also be charged to a budget number. Inquire with your own department or service.
  • When books you requested via ILL arrive, you can pick them up at the library information desk.
  • For journal articles you will be sent an e-mail message including a link.

Submit your request by using the application form or the 'Request item through Inter Library Loan' button in Library Search.


