Research Profile

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are transforming our lives by offering a next level of functionality, reliability, efficiency and performance through the tight integration of our physical and information worlds. The Cyber-Physical System Center Eindhoven (CPSe) focuses on the advancement of the engineering methods required to create the next generation of CPS, by fusing the engineering disciplines of the cyber and the physical worlds. The Center is organized as a lean support organization within the Department of Electrical Engineering. It leverages the expertise in control systems (CS), electronic systems (ES), electrical energy systems (EES), and electromechanical actuation and power electronics (EPE) with respect to research, funding and valorization in the strategic application domains High-Tech Systems, E-Grids, and E-Mobility.

12 prestigious PhD positions in PARASOL – ‘European Doctoral Network for Safe and Sustainable Electromagnetic Shielding Solutions for Mobility’

A new European framework with new KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) that will define how we design products in Europe in a few years: Safe-and-Sustainable-by Design (SSbD). You can be the first to define these KPIs!

  • A European funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie project, with 16 industrial partners cross the complete value chain – first time in the field of ElectroMagnetic Shielding solutions
  • 7 universities – leaders in the field of ElectroMagnetic Compatibility and Material Engineering for EM
  • New green materials, new challenges for ElectroMagnetic risks on board of vehicles
  • Application to all vehicles with key partners in vehicle manufacturer – Ford, Siemens, Lotus, Jaguar-Land-Rover, Thales, Evektor and NLR)
  • Personal and technical training with the top experts in Europe (both academia and industry)
  • A powerful professional network that will last your career

Take your chance and apply before 30 September!



oCPS Project - Marie Curie training network on platform-aware model-driven optimisation of cyber-physical systems

ESR 1 Sajid - Co-design of Control and Streaming Applications Considering Tradeoffs between Quality-of-Control (QoC) and Quality-of-Service (QoS)

ESR 4 Sayandip - Low power architectures using approximate computing


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