Find your defense date/time here
Find your defense date/time here.
At the right you can find all available defense dates and time.
The dedicated room for defense ceremonies is Atlas 0.710.
Please first read the text below.
A booking for a defense location can be made if:
- The committee is filled in in Hora Finita and is forwarded to the dean for approval.
- The defense date is approved by all members of the doctorate committee;
- The defense date is approved by the dean (or his/her secretary).
Booking requests can only be made by email:
Please mention in your request if you have met with the above mentioned requirements.
Without this mentioning the mail will not be handled.
When the date is still available we will reserve it for you. You will receive a confirmation email from Hora Finita.
- we don't do tentative bookings.
- the availability of dates/times can change multiple times a day. After each booking the file is updated.