
The Sustainability Core Team - Our narrative

The Sustainability Core Team envisions a future where sustainable practices and innovation are at the heart of everything we do at TU/e and beyond. We strive to create a community that embraces sustainability as a core value, inspiring and empowering individuals to become catalysts for positive change. 

Our mission is to integrate sustainability into all aspects of TU/e's operations, research, education, and governance. Through collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing, we aim to give the impetus for and foster a culture of sustainability, that drives transformative action towards a more sustainable and resilient future. 

This is our narrative:

"As a society, we have surpassed ecological and social boundaries. Restoring this balance means economic growth within its ecological and social limits.

It implies a transformation - a radical change in how we fulfill our societal needs. Such a change requires both technical and social innovation, and each of us to take responsibility and contribute.

For a university that seeks societal relevance and aims to address societal challenges, it means that it has to transform itself.

This transformation implies a radical rethinking of the dominant ways of doing research and education, running our campus operations, and our governance."

Meet the team!

"There is so much going on at TU/e in terms of sustainability that you can hardly see the forest for the trees. Just a few examples: student teams building solar vehicles, researchers processing diaper waste into concrete, using Billie Cups in the canteens and collecting coffee grounds separately for recycling. But there is also much left to do: there is no policy in place for sustainable business travel, not every lecture hall has energy-efficient LED lighting yet, and not every student is taught about climate change.

But now, a Sustainability Core Team has been established that is going to draw up an overview of all the different sustainability projects and initiatives that are being undertaken in the areas of education, research, governance and operations." - read the full news article here.

Our Sustainability Core Team is formed around TU/e's very own Sustainability Ambassador Anna Wieczorek. Together with the Advisory Board, consisting of representatives from a.o. EIRES, 4TU, IPCC and innovation Space, she gives guidance to the Executive Board on all sustainability matters.

The Sustainability Core Team operates at the implementation as well as the consulting level and serves as a space for best practice guidance and sustainability expertise for everyone in the university. Each member has their own area of expertise, which are coordinated according to the four dimensions of the university as well as beyond.

Let's conntect!

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Any ideas, quesions, or feedback? Make sure to reach out to sustainability@tue.nl.